Monday, August 16, 2010

Pen Palin' Around

Hi it's me!! Your long lost blogging buddy Wonder Boy !! I am still alive;-)
FYI I am going to try to be posting every Monday so you can look forward to that! Well, on to today's subject........ pen-paling. I have been pen-paling for the last year or more and at first thought it was going to be some dumb thing that my mom was going to make me do (because it would improve my handwriting skills) but it has turned out to be a hoot. Actually this morning while I was looking for a new blog background I was writing a letter to one of my new pen-pals. One of my pen pals is writing a book and in his letters he is sending me chapter after chapter he has a real talent! I ask all my pen-pals for pics but sometimes they ignore me but it is cool. I think to round it off I have ten pen-pals some write regularly some don't but all write at some point.
All I can say is get out your pen and paper out and write a letter, it's not as dumb as it sounds after all !!;-)
Yahoo has some pen pal groups for kids if you are interested.

Wonder Boy

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